

Last week the theme of ritual surfaced time and again. I attended both a retirement party and a funeral; I completed the MS walk; I also heard Father Mike talk about ritual within the church setting.

Why do we have rituals? To celebrate holidays and events. To alleviate anxiety. To cope with difficult circumstance. To grieve. To signify a rite of passage. To honour a life. To gather as family.

Whichever culture we are from, whatever religion we belong to, ritual is present. The elements of the ritual might differ, but the need for ritual remains.

As I walked the MS Walk today for the 25th time, surrounded by others affected by the disease, I felt a closeness with my father. Although he died almost 13 years ago, being part of this event is my way to honour him, to pay tribute to all he did despite the disease. I cannot bring him back, I can no longer visit him, but I can bring him to life through this yearly ritual.

Here’s to you, Dad!


We tried something new last week. Each adult in our building chose a passion. Each of our grade 1-6 students then chose to join one of those adults. The passions included street hockey, baking, film studies, robotics, guitar, yoga, Polish, photography, sculpture, watercolours, book clubs, drama and story writing.

The building was abuzz. For days leading up to the project, students were talking about where they were going, who they were going to work with and what they would be doing.

Students returned to their classrooms energized and inspired. A grade three boy who rarely speaks in class chose Polish and beamed at the end of the session. A grade two student, a new Canadian, told me he was going to golf but quickly added, “what’s golf?” Afterwards his eyes were wide as he demonstrated what he had done: the swing, the path of the ball, the distance even. The day following the project, a young student climbed off the bus clinging to the journal I had given her the day before.

We cannot measure the results of this project on standardized tests. We cannot measure the learning except through anecdotes. Was it worth the time and effort? Was it worth the coordination and logistics?

No question.


A Refreshing Change of Scenery

I sit on a swing at the top of a bank overlooking Strawberry Creek. I hear the water rushing, rolling really, through the rocks below. I pause a moment to listen and an assortment of birds speak as if on cue: chickadees fluttering above me, a woodpecker pecking furiously to impress a mate and another song unidentifiable to my untrained ear.

The sun shines but the wind is cool. The trees do not yet have their spring buds though May presses on. I hear a rustle behind me and look to see a rabbit cavorting in the bush seemingly oblivious to my presence.

A simple change of setting changes my thought process, changes my writing. How often do we give this experience to our students? Reading, writing or even creating art out of the classroom environment? Sprawled on the grass or spread throughout the playground. How might our students’ creations change when we change their setting?



Each day I work with small groups of students: struggling readers and English Language Learners. I absolutely love my job. Yet this week, as I worked with two young students who continue to struggle to learn letter names (sounds are nowhere in my sight lines with them yet), I had to remind myself that they are not yet capable of learning this information.

I teach and reteach. I find creative ways to reinforce the letters. I incorporate sensory matters and physical movement. We laugh and play as we learn. And still, the progress is painfully slow. Often I have to avoid the temptation of saying, “We just went over this.” or “You should know this.” Because, they don’t.

And with as much repetition and direct teaching as they are getting, I remind myself that they are not yet ready. They are trying. They want to know these arbitrary symbols that I call letters. They long to join the world of the literate.

So my journey with them continues: I dig a little deeper for more patience and increasingly creative ways of teaching the same thing, and I look forward to the day when all 26 letters are identifiable.

Who will rejoice more? The jury is out.

Beloved Books!

The Velveteen Rabbit… Harry the Dirty Dog… Go Dog. Go! These were some of my favourite books growing up. I looked forward to bedtime because of the stories I knew came with it. And yes, perhaps my love affair with words began young. But now, dear and faithful readers, I want your input. What book did you want read over and over in childhood? Which book was your favourite to flip through? Are there lines of a book you can still remember and recite?

Together let’s generate a list of beloved books! Include your kids’ current favourites if you prefer.

Looks can be deceiving…

Last week I visited a beautiful new school. So beautiful in fact that I took pictures of the space and the furniture. And yet, after talking to two staff members from that school, I heard descriptions wildly opposed to the physical space. Toxic. Isolated. Negative.

And then I think of my own school building. From the outside, boxy and plain. Certainly nothing special. And yet, the energy in our school is positive, electric and exciting.

I know where I’d rather work! More proof that the people make the place.


Flippant or Deliberate?

What a week! Leadership Day, Open House, Violence Threat Assessment Training. The gamut of experiences was noticeable: some highs, some lows, some moments of joy and some reminders of the sadness in our world.

The power of language strung these experiences together. Language to connect: our students speaking to hundreds of guests about the 7 Habits. Language to inspire: our Kindergarten students hosting Open House for next years’ students. Language to deceive: troubled youth posing threats, ultimately crying out for help. Language to reveal: skilled investigators digging for truth.

I have no doubt that words have power. Are we flippant with the words we choose or do we choose them carefully and deliberately?

The Power of Emotion

I was recently reunited with Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks: the use of games to reinforce basic math facts and place value. As I watched our teachers engage in play, I listened to the laughter in the room and the language they were using. I also watched a TED talk entitled “The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years of Life” by Jane McGonigal. 

Both of these experiences, reminded me that effective learning is tied to emotion. If I am excited about what I am learning, I will expend more energy and effort. If I am having fun, I am more likely to take ownership of my tasks. If I know that my teacher believes in me, I will have confidence in my own abilities. If I am encouraged to use my strengths (and shown what my strengths are), I will compensate for my challenges.

Recently I read Leadership: 50 Points of Wisdom for Today’s Leaders by General Hillier and Raising Henry: A Memoir of Motherhood, Disability and Discovery by Rachel Adams. Though vastly different in general topics, both books shared a focus on human relationships. When we relate with others – empathize, show compassion and take time to understand their circumstances – we become emotionally connected to those around us. We build relationships rooted in respect and all else naturally follows.

Let emotion find its way into your classroom. The laughter and the tears, the games and the humour, will add much to the learning environment.


An Evening of Juxtaposition

Last night we saw Mary Poppins at the Citadel. I left the performance with Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and Feed the Birds still dancing through my head. There was a bounce in my step. It was the kind of feel-good, high-energy performance where the audience was on their feet immediately with applause. The actors, the singing and the choreography were excellent and I envied the fun they appeared to be having on stage.

At home after the performance, I turned on the news… Recovered objects unrelated to missing Malaysia flight 370… Bodies trapped in Washington mudslide never to be recovered… Putin declares no intention of invading Eastern Ukraine… Taliban attacks to threaten upcoming election.

I hummed Chim Chim Cher-ee attempting to bring my mood back to where it was before the news came on. Two thoughts struck me: 1) I feel incredibly fortunate to live in Canada. 2) There is immense value in art of all kinds, including theatre.

Deep Learning

I recently watched a video where a student mentioned ‘deep learning’. This concept has always intrigued me: deep learning, enduring understanding. What’s the difference between an enduring understanding of a concept and simple memorization? With our curriculum redesign underway, is there still a place for memorization in our schools?

This battle is one I have heard discussed on the news, between parents and even among educators. During the last ten to fifteen years we have experienced some curricular changes with more of an emphasis on the constructivist approach: simplistically, students construct meaning from what they read, hear or discuss.

Do we need to memorize reams and reams of data? Probably not if a quick internet search will suffice. Students can still be exposed to the information and engage in meaningful discussion about it. A much more valuable use of time. Through this approach, students will develop critical thinking and communication skills and learning will become much more relevant.

All that said, there is a place for memorization in schools. Students should be required to memorize math facts, provincial capitals, and the basics such as their own addresses. Memorization serves a practical purpose that cannot be denied or ignored.

The pendulum has a tendency to making wide, sweeping movements. Yet often, best practice incorporates strategies from both ends of the spectrum. The constructivist approach doesn’t have to replace the skill of memorization. There is room for both in our schools. In fact, the two extremes complement each other nicely: the ah-ha moments that come from discovery and the confidence that comes from knowing.