Karen Filewych

Karen has over twenty-five years of educational experience as a teacher, school administrator, and language arts consultant. She enjoys sharing her love of literacy with teachers and students. She is now booking professional development for teachers for the 2024-2025 school year. She is fully booked for residencies!

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Words Change Worlds

"When teaching grade one I noticed how language — specifically learning to read and write — empowered students. This idea has captivated me since. Join me in my quest to change the world through words."
-Karen Filewych

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This week on the Words Change Worlds blog

“We miss…”

When students are absent from school, there are many implications: they miss instruction, their learning is interrupted, and they often feel behind and overwhelmed. For some, the longer they are away, the harder it is to return.

I recently saw an Instagram post by Pernille Ripp. She has “We miss…” written on the top of her classroom whiteboard. Each day she adds the names of the students who are absent. “We miss Isaiah and Phoebe,” for example. This response to student absences values the individual students.

As a teacher and administrator, I took a similar approach. If a student returned after a day or more away, or if they arrived late (one day or many), I always greeted them with, “It’s so good to see you.”

Often–especially for our young students–their late arrivals or absences are not within their control. Placing blame or guilt does nothing to entice them to be present. It is much more effective to show that we care for them as people and value their presence.

Every day counts.

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