
“A leader is a dealer in hope.” Napoleon

The leaders I admire most are those who vision with an attitude of hope and optimism. Whatever our role in a school, we provide leadership to others in some form or another. How do we instill hope in those we lead?

Build genuine relationships. Get in there and do the nitty gritty. Ask, don’t assume. Let those you lead use their skills and talent. Provide vision. Accept others wherever they are on their journey… then raise the bar. Be realistic. Use both your head and your heart to make decisions. Find good in people: all people. 

Donald McGannon once said, “Leadership is an action, not a position.” Let your actions earn your leadership every day.

Teachable Moments

This week I had a conversation with a few classes about a student with special needs. Our students inspired me. The kindness, integrity and acceptance they demonstrated revealed the leadership and love we have within our school. Inclusion can be challenging without proper supports. However, by including all students in our classrooms despite their needs, lessons in acceptance and respect become the daily curriculum.

The curricular outcomes are important but more important is the teaching that occurs in those daily, ordinary (yet sometimes unpredictable moments) within a school. The biggest lesson of all: fair isn’t always equal and equal isn’t always fair.



Over the last few weeks, our nation has come together to watch baseball (something rare in the past few decades). Our city has rallied around a young 18 year-old hockey player with cautious optimism. And tomorrow we’ll see a country come together to cast their votes in an election. Individuals as part of a collective.

Belonging is a human need. We all long to be a part of some group or another. Whether it be a family, a team, a fan-base or a group of friends, it is something we, as humans, crave.

There is a sense of camaraderie that comes from belonging. There is exhilaration in shared joy and comfort in shared sorrow. There is support during dark or difficult days. There are life lessons.

When we belong… when we find our place… when we feel a part of larger collective… life seems a little less daunting and a lot more enjoyable. Go Jays!

“Oooh, big words!”

Last week I found pleasure in the words of our students. As a little boy got off the bus – hair slicked back with obviously self-applied gel – he breathed into my face and said, “Smell my breath.” Although I was hesitant, I really had no choice! After a short pause, he said, “Minty, eh?” He was proud of his mouthwash breath!

On Friday I came back to my desk and discovered a post-it note: “Cup cake. For you.” I appreciated the punctuation and the arrow pointing to the sprinkle-covered mini cupcake. The note gave me more pleasure than the cupcake!

The same student who left the cupcake saw me later in the day for a reading assessment. As I read the prescribed introduction to the book, I used the phrase “fishing expedition.” He rapidly tapped the tips of his fingers together in excitement and said, “Oooh, big words!”

Now there’s a kid after my own heart…

Stand Tall

There are people in our world that seem perpetually negative and petty: those who find pleasure in gossiping or putting others down. As I said recently to an adult (and as I have said to many kids over the years), when someone is petty or mean spirited, the issue is with that person, not the target.

And, as tempting as it is to put that person in his or her place, it’s simply not worth it. On occasion I have tried just that. Instead of feeling satisfied, I was disappointed that I sunk to that level. As hurtful as someone tries to be, we must stand tall and kill ’em with kindness.

I look to the examples of Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Jesus and most recently Malala Yousafzai: individuals who were persecuted, tormented or even killed for what they believed in. What I admire most about these individuals is their conviction and integrity even in the face of cruelty.

As a wise administrator once taught me… “Stand up for what you believe in, even if you’re standing alone.”

“I hate reading!”

Last week, a little one announced, “I hate reading.” I wasn’t about to pass up that challenge!

We sat together in my office, surrounded by my book collection. I pulled Press Here from the shelf. As I read to her, the interactive nature of the book worked its magic. “Press here and turn the page.” After turning that very first page, she looked up at me with curiosity, her sour face quickly vanishing. “Great! Now press the yellow dot again.” The quizzical looks continued page after page. Sure enough, a few pages later, “I like this book!”

I doubt she reversed her opinion about reading in that one short exchange, but it’s a start. I will continue to share my favourites with her in an attempt to nurture a positive relationship with books. Little did she know: she made her declaration to the wrong person!

If you don’t know this book, be sure to check out the book trailer… Press Here. I would bet there is a little one in your life who will enjoy this read, reluctant reader or not!


A little bit of magic…

As I walk from class to class, I see magic within each room: teachers have created cohesive classroom families in a few short weeks. I see students excited about learning, students in prayer for their family and friends, students welcoming others new to the school.

Teachers certainly have tricks to their trade. They are deliberate and often subtle but the effects are magical. It is not easy uniting 24, 26 or 28 students, ensuring that each feels valued as an individual while still creating a strong collective group. But that is what our teachers do. Day in and day out.

“The influence of teachers extends beyond the classroom, well into the future. It is they who shape and enrich the minds of the young, who touch their hearts and souls. It is they who shape a nation’s future.” F. Sionil Jose

As the school doors open tomorrow morning, there will be hugs exchanged, smiles shared and the learning will continue, seemingly with little effort. Pure magic.

Small surprises…

Last week on an early morning drive to work, the sunrise was vibrant pink behind me. Ahead, a rainbow led my way. It too was pink in the morning sky. This small surprise was a welcome start to my day.

Small surprises are a common occurrence in an elementary school! In fact, they’re the reason I love working with students of this age. We’ve only had four days with the kids back in the building. Yet each day, we are privy to small surprises because of what our students say or do. From the missing Kindergarten student who turned out to be one of mistaken identify… to the student who exclaimed, “I missed you most of the summer”… to the student who announced after three days of grade one, “Now I’m ready for grade two.”

I’m not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I am sure there will be a surprise or two!

First Day Jitters!

It is the eve of the first day of school. Across the city there are jitters and nerves as reality sets in: summer is officially over and a new school year begins. And if teachers are feeling jitters and nerves, imagine the students!

Our district theme this year is A Journey of Love. The more I think about it, the more appropriate I think it is. If our students know we love them – that we truly care – all else will follow. Tomorrow, as students meet teachers and teachers meet students, together they begin a ten month journey. The next few days set the stage for a positive, productive relationship. The journey of a school year may not always be easy, and there will certainly be struggles along the way, but together, obstacles are overcome and goals are reached.

Whether you are a first year teacher, a veteran, or anywhere in between, there is likely a jitter or two as our heads fall to our pillows tonight. Just think how dashing you’ll look in your new school outfit… come on, you know we all have one…

Wishing all of you a school year filled with triumph, joy and most of all, love.

The Home Stretch

We’ve reached the home stretch! On Friday we will say good-bye to another group of grade six students and several staff members. All of these individuals have put their stamp on our school by the very nature of their being.

The same is true for all of us. Simply by being ourselves, we influence those around us. The imprint of this year is unique. We have laughed together, learned together, cried together, grown together. We have had a successful year because of the individuals that make up the collective. Next year will be different still.

As we say good-bye to those leaving our building, we give this advice: In a world where you can be anything, be yourself. Be the best version of yourself.

You will be missed.