You can’t walk into a store – any store – without being reminded that Back to School is around the corner. The huge banners with those three infamous words hanging as reminders amid the highlighters and backpacks, binders and glue sticks. There are other signs too. The brisk air during my morning walk, a sure sign that fall is on its way. The internal desire not to look at the date, not to count those precious last days before the alarm clock must be set. The sudden increase in emails from staff and parents. All signs of things to come.
And despite my avoidance of the signs, in whatever form they take, I do enjoy this time of year. I enjoy the planning of a new school year. I enjoy reuniting with colleagues and students. I enjoy the sheer pleasure of beginning once again.
Whether you welcome or avoid the signs, enjoy the sunshine during these last treasured days of summer: read one more escape novel, cross one more thing off that summer to-do list and be sure to enjoy some family time. Before we know it, we will be donning our new school clothes and greeting our students at the door…
I can’t hardly wait!!
End of summer for sure with all the BACK To SCHOOL signs!
Wishing you a wonderful year and great start! Excited to start, I have a lot of great ideas!