
“I Shall Not Hate”

After hearing Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish speak at convention, I shook his hand and bought his book, I Shall Not Hate. I read it this week and though I understand the individual words on the page, I struggle to understand the world he portrays.

… the oldest of nine children growing up in a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip… all living in one room 3 metres by 3 metres, no running water, no electricity, no toilets… his mother cutting a banana to share between her nine children… the family left homeless after their home was bulldozed to widen the road for tanks… working through the night and attending school during the day… living amongst hatred, discrimination and war… the unpredictable and often humiliating ordeal of crossing the border between Palestine and Israel which he did many years, twice a week…losing three daughters and a niece to the shelling of his home…

Through the world of words I enter a foreign land and into the life of another. I am reminded how fortunate I am to live where and when I do. The details of his reality are incomprehensible to those of us living in a world of freedom and security.

And yet, despite his circumstances, this man is an advocate, a doctor, a father, a humanitarian, one might even say an optimist. As the world searches for peace and reconciliation, let us look to Dr. Abuelaish for inspiration.

Take comfort today knowing you are safe and educated, that you have food to eat and a place to call home. Share stories with your students to open their eyes to the world beyond their own. And the next time you sing O Canada, relish the reality of these words: the true north strong and free. How very blessed we are.



Our most precious resource

Despite the freebies and inevitable purchases, there is one thing much more valuable that I take away from convention each year: a renewed sense of purpose. Dr. Yong Zhao spoke of a learning environment where we strive to enhance the inherent value in each student. Taylor Mali reminded us that we are in the greatest job in the world. Izzeldin Abuelaish emphasized how lucky we are to work day in and day out with our most precious resource: our children.

Education is often deemed the one thing that can change the world. Too bad more of our politicians don’t agree. Yet regardless of what the politicians believe or what the statistics in the Fraser Report denounce, I feel privileged to be a part of this profession.

As thousands of teachers come together for our annual convention, there is a collective understanding in the room: people who get it, who live it, who breathe it. People who know that what we do makes a difference in the lives of children. People who know that our roles involve much more than curriculum, report cards and test scores.

Yes, we could study, analyze and compare the data. Or, we could exchange anecdotes about our interactions with individuals each and every day. Which would tell us more about the difference we make in the lives of children? After all, our students are more than simply a number on a page.


Where does one find solace in this world? On Friday I found it in Kindergarten. There was the little ragamuffin constantly pulling up her falling pants. The tooth that fell out in the middle of the lesson. The cheering and excitement that followed for that lost tooth. There was the genuine concern for the classmate who had surgery just days before. There was the elation of creating the letter ‘j’ with play dough. There was laughter, warmth and enthusiasm for life.

Despite the challenges and uncertainty we sometimes face, my time in Kindergarten reminded me of the tenderness, transparency and grace of children. I was surrounded by the beauty of life itself.

If you are needing a little solace, seek out a child: the world just may seem a little brighter.


“An Inexhaustible Source of Magic”

There seemed to be a lot of sadness the last few weeks: illness, sudden death, the disclosure of abuse. At these times, it can be difficult to know just what to say to provide comfort to those in the midst of turmoil. And though the right words are sometimes elusive, as Dumbledore once said to Harry, “Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.”

Though words can’t change reality or circumstance, they have incredible power, magic if you will. Words can provide hope in moments of darkness. Words can transform our mood. They can console and comfort. They can uplift and inspire. Words can educate, encourage and defend. Words change worlds.

Drenched in Words

What skills do we want our students to learn in school? Though many immediately come to mind, literacy remains at the top of my list. In fact, most parents and teachers point to literacy as a primary goal.

We must therefore be deliberate in how we teach our students to read and write. We know that high quality instruction is essential, yet so too is quantity. I recently stumbled upon quotations from two writers that reminded me of the necessity of extensive reading and writing. Hart Crane once said, “One must be drenched in words, literally soaked in them, to have the right ones form themselves into the proper pattern at the right moment.” And Colin Channer, “A first draft for me is not a table that needs to be sanded a few times and then polished. It’s the tree chopped down in the woods.”

Do we set aside time for our students to read? Do we read to them daily despite the grade level? Do they write each and every day? Are they given the freedom, opportunity and skills to revise and polish their work? Are they reading and writing in every area of the curriculum?

This week, take stock of the quantity of reading and writing your students are doing… be sure they are drenched in words!

A world devoid of art

Imagine elementary school without art, drama or music. Appealing? For most of us, no. For our students? Most definitely not. Now go a stretch further… imagine our world devoid of art.

Art, in its many forms, surrounds us: on the walls of our home, the billboards on the street corner, the music we listen to, our trips to the theatre, the television drama we return to each week, the picture book we will read tomorrow to our students, our clothing even.

Just recently, I was listening to Les Miserables. As I listened to the complexity of the notes and the profundity of the words, I was uplifted. And it got me thinking: without the arts, my life would be dull and somewhat empty. And though I love music and going to art galleries to wander through the masters, I realize not everyone shares this love.

Some consider these subjects ‘extras’. Yet, through the medium of the arts, we experience the world much differently. The arts add dimension, creativity and depth to our schooling and ultimately, our lives. Sir Ken Robinson purports that all subjects should hold equal value: that science and math for example, are not more important than music or art. Gerald Gordon has said “I believe that creativity will be the currency of the 21st century.” As we think about the direction our society is headed, the arts is an important element. Consider how art, drama and music play such a large role in our increasingly multi-media society.

Bring out the paint… strum that guitar… dance your heart out! Discover the joy within the arts.

What’s on your shelf?

Recently I came across an article with this assignment: “Select a small shelf of books that represent you – the books that have changed your life, that have made you who you are today, your favorite favorites.” The idea intrigued me. What would be on my shelf if I was allowed 10 books – books that influenced my thinking, my being, my writing, my teaching?

After much thought, here’s my list (though I expect it might change in time):

  • The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams
  • The Giver by Lois Lowry
  • A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
  • A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway
  • The Nero Wolfe series by Rex Stout
  • Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg
  • Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
  • Radical Reflections by Mem Fox
  • The Big Picture by Dennis Littky
  • The Element by Sir Ken Robinson

I often think of the author when I am reading, but rarely do I think of the man who made the book form possible: Johannes Gutenberg. When he invented the printing press in approximately 1440, for the first time the mass production of books was possible. I take for granted the physical pages in my hands. I take for granted the distribution of words and ideas. Today though, I pay homage to Gutenberg for influencing how we create and distribute our words. I pay homage to a little thing we call a book.

Consider this, what’s on your shelf?

Visit to see the origin of this challenge.



“Interest precedes learning.” Richard Saul Wurman.

When I decided to pursue my masters, I chose to complete it at the University of Alberta in the area of literacy. I had many people tell me, “there are easier ways to get your masters.” And probably they were right. Yet, because I was interested in what I was learning, my fatigue upon arrival at each evening class would quickly turn to elation. I would leave class energized: ready to talk about what I had discovered, ready to test out my learning with my students, ready to read some more. I certainly could have gone an easier route, but I know it would not have ignited the same passion within me.

How do we ensure that our students’ interests precede their learning? After all, we do have curriculum to cover. And that curriculum is determined by the government, not each of us as teachers, nor by our students. Ah, but herein lies the secret of the master teacher. Ignite the passion and stir the emotion within your students. Invite questions and curiosity. Use real world scenarios to bring relevance into your classroom.

On Friday, Lee Crockett demonstrated this beautifully at a session I attended. He showed a diagram of a fault line illustrating how the juncture of two plates can cause an earthquake. Although the diagram was well-exectued, it certainly did not peek my interest.

And then he showed footage from March 11, 2011 when an earthquake took Japan in its grip causing massive damage, destruction and the death of thousands. As we watched the water surge, the roads and buildings disappear, vehicles thrown about and crumpled as if mere toys, the feeling in the room changed. Instantly our interest and emotions were heightened. As a teacher, it was obvious how this video could stir the interest and emotion of our students. Imagine the questions, dialogue and writing after watching a video such as this. Quite naturally topics of science, religion, health, mathematics, economics and ethics would come into play with language arts the root of it all. Curricular outcomes would be met and the students would be fully engaged in the process.

Invite the real world into your classroom tomorrow. Watch the sparks ignite!

Curious about the video? Click here: Amateur footage of Japan earthquake


Happy New Year!

The beginning of January brings me back to school more rested and refreshed than during the busy days of December. Hopefully most of us have had time to rid ourselves of those nasty colds and flus, spend some time with family and perhaps even indulge in a nap here or there. The holidays provide the opportunity to spend an afternoon playing cards, going to a movie or best yet, curling up with a good book.

And though I enjoyed the holiday season, I am ready to return to our kidlets and plunge into 2013.

What is it about the new year that brings hope and optimism? Because really, if you consider it, not much changes between December 31 and January 1st. And yet, something feels different. The new year provides opportunity for a fresh start, an attitude shift, some introspection and goal-setting. We can shake free of those bad habits and replace them with good ones. The new year is time to embrace the here and now and make change happen. There are naysayers who believe resolutions will inevitably fail. And for those naysayers, they will. Yet as Winston Churchill once said, “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” Look to the new year with hope and discipline and good things will follow. Whether we make the effort to sit down with our family three times a week for dinner, lose two pounds a month, walk fifteen minutes a day, send three positive notes home with students each week or spend at least one recess in the staffroom each day, our goals are attainable.

Though the alarm clock may be somewhat jarring tomorrow morning, I look forward to my 8:00 a.m. supervision to reconnect with our students. They will be eager to share both hugs and stories.

By the way, I will be in the staffroom at recess… hope to see you there…


On Friday, we went to work, our students came to school, and at the end of the day we all went home. In Newtown, Connecticut, 28 people – including 20 precious six and seven year olds – did not go home at the end of the day.

Elementary schools are full of indoor shoes and backpacks, bandaids and books, laughter and learning. On Friday, Sandy Hook Elementary School was taken over by handguns, horror and unimaginable chaos.

As more details are released, my emotions move in and out of sadness, anger, anguish, pain and devastation – despite the fact that I did not know the children or adults who died, nor the ones who survived this tragedy. My own emotions so raw, I simply cannot imagine the heightened, intense emotions of that community. I cannot imagine the terror and confusion for those six year olds in the last moments of their lives. I cannot imagine how the school staff will move forward from this real-life nightmare. I cannot imagine how the students who survived will ever feel safe in a school again or how they will ever recover from inevitable anguish and grief. I cannot imagine how these families will celebrate Christmas, this year or for years to come.

My thoughts move to the perpetrator of these crimes: What drove this 20 year old to something so horrific? What did he face in his own young life that made taking two handguns and a rifle to an elementary school the answer to his problems? After all, he was once a kindergarten student, too.

I have more questions than answers… How do we reconcile the increasing prevalence of guns in our society? How do we reach out to individuals to ensure a mass killing isn’t the solution to any predicament? How do we communicate our condolences to the families involved? How do we ensure these tiny victims are not lost without purpose? How do we bring meaning to this tragedy?

The answers will take thought, work, time and creativity. Ultimately, the answers may elude us.

What I do know… I will be thankful for each day of safety within our school, I will continue to be grateful to live in Canada, I will pray for healing in a community I had not even heard of until Friday and I will hug my loved ones a little tighter and a lot longer than usual.