
Live for today.

Each morning I begin my day by reading Robin Sharma. A few days ago, this was his entry: “Most people live as if they have all the time in the world. They wish they had more time in their days and yet they waste the time they have. They put off living until some event in the future occurs. In order to awaken to your best life, every day should be lived as if it were your last day on the planet.”

Tomorrow I am leaving on vacation. Yes, I realize it is September. Yes, I know it is the busiest month of the school year. And yes, I have struggled with going away for a week knowing the realities of school life. Yet when I read that passage by Sharma, I gave myself permission to go and enjoy.

My father was diagnosed with MS at about my age. Those grand plans he saved for retirement, never came to fruition. He was forced to stop working, forced to abandon his future dreams, forced to live life without the luxury of movement. We watched as his health declined and he became quadriplegic. He never did get to Europe or Mexico or Asia, though I know he wanted to.

So, I am boarding that plane tomorrow morning without regret. I will enjoy my days as if they were my last. Because really, we just don’t know what the future holds. I will live my life today.



Our principal’s favourite word this year is emerge.

Flour, sugar, butter, eggs and chocolate chips come together to make cookies, musicians play their individual instruments to create a musical masterpiece and a farmer plants seeds in anticipation of the crop that will emerge come harvest. In all examples of emergence, there are factors both within and outside our control.

Already this year I have witnessed emergence in unexpected ways. Most significantly, a little boy, lost in two years of despair after the death of his mother, emerged this week with hope. How? Seemingly many factors contributed: the new school year provided an opportunity for a new beginning, a teacher took the time to let him talk and write about his mother, new classmates reached out in concern and significant time has passed since the tragic loss of his mother. Despite our efforts during the last few years, hope eluded him until this week. Slowly he seems to be emerging from the grips of grief.

Though a farmer knows that draught or hail can irreversibly damage the crops, he does not leave his crop to chance. He carefully controls and manipulates the seed, soil and irrigation and tends to the crop for months on end hoping that what emerges is plentiful. As educators, we cannot leave our classroom environment or our students’ learning to chance. We must plan, monitor and adjust all that is in our control. Only then will the yield be considerable. Only then will greatness emerge.


“We cleaned up the world!”

Whew… we did it. We survived the first week! Our school was filled with children once again, the very reason we go to work each day. And what is it that children bring into school? Pure joy.

I was privy to delightful exclamations of joy this week. Everything from the little boy who exclaimed, “Guess what? I got a new water bottle!” to the little girls who entered the office, black garbage bag in hand, thrusting it into the air announcing, “We cleaned up the world!”

We depend on those children who walk through our doors each day. Without them, we could not do what we do. Fortunately, the challenges they bring are balanced by their exuberance and genuine love of life. If only I could be as exuberant about a new water bottle or picking up garbage! Children are wonderful reminders to find joy in the little things…

Finding Joy in the Butterflies

The new school year officially begins on Tuesday morning. There are likely a few butterflies floating around. Perhaps some difficulty falling asleep too. And not just for the students. As a teacher, I remember making extensive lists to ensure I talked about everything I intended to on the first day. I remember scanning my class list to ensure I made immediate connections with those students most in need of connections. I remember mentally rehearsing my morning welcome to ensure I set the right tone. All this in excited, nervous anticipation of the year ahead.

And our students? How are they feeling on the eve of a new school year? They are likely a little apprehensive about who their teacher might be, excited to see their friends again and yet dreading the early morning alarm.

The mix of emotion – for all involved – is an expected part of the new school year. And one way or another, the anticipation, anxiety and nervousness will get lost in the hecticness of day one. Let the wave of enthusiasm carry you into the new year. In Lord Byron’s words: “On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined.”

The signs are here…

You can’t walk into a store – any store – without being reminded that Back to School is around the corner. The huge banners with those three infamous words hanging as reminders amid the highlighters and backpacks, binders and glue sticks. There are other signs too. The brisk air during my morning walk, a sure sign that fall is on its way. The internal desire not to look at the date, not to count those precious last days before the alarm clock must be set. The sudden increase in emails from staff and parents. All signs of things to come.

And despite my avoidance of the signs, in whatever form they take, I do enjoy this time of year. I enjoy the planning of a new school year. I enjoy reuniting with colleagues and students. I enjoy the sheer pleasure of beginning once again.

Whether you welcome or avoid the signs, enjoy the sunshine during these last treasured days of summer: read one more escape novel, cross one more thing off that summer to-do list and be sure to enjoy some family time. Before we know it, we will be donning our new school clothes and greeting our students at the door…


Time to catch one’s breath

Does the school year ever feel like a marathon? Exhilarating, rewarding, invigorating and yes, sometimes a little daunting?

When the race begins in September, we have stretched, trained and adequately rested. We are full of energy and ready to take on the year. We pace ourselves, monitor and adjust our speed with the ups and downs of what lies ahead: the steep climb of report cards and the downhill momentum that follows. Sometimes we coast, enjoying the scenery along the way. Sometimes all we can do is yearn for a swig of water at the next rest stop. There are also moments when we question if we will even make it to the finish line intact. And yet, somehow we do.

Rest assured, we are on the final leg of our journey with the finish line in sight. Feelings of accomplishment, anticipated rest and an opportunity to catch one’s breath are within reach.

As we move into the summer months, think about the impact you have had on your students throughout this journey. What are you proud of? Whose life did you make a difference in this year? Who is better off for having known you?

After you’ve given those questions some thought, consider this: What are you most looking forward to this summer?

My own thoughts turn to a long morning stroll, curling up with a good book, a mid-afternoon nap… time with family without the pressures of school weighing on the mind… time to recover, refresh and rejuvenate… time to do all those things neglected during the marathon itself… time to simply sit in the warmth of the sun.

Frank Lebow describes a marathon in this way: “The marathon is a charismatic event. It has everything. It has drama. It has competition. It has camaraderie. It has heroism.” Come now, does that not describe a school year?

Our Supporting Cast

As educators, we are fortunate to have a supporting cast. The work of our educational assistants is often behind the scenes and sometimes goes unnoticed to the unobservant eye. And yet, for any of us that have had the privilege of an educational assistant working within our classrooms – supporting the students with the greatest needs – we know how vital their work is to the effectiveness of each day.

Many of these individuals have chosen to work with special needs children as their career. It is not glamorous, high profile or well-paid and yet it is so important to the work we do as teachers.

Most of our support staff are leaving our school this year. Our students, their families and our staff will be devastated by the changes. Since these individuals work with our students in such close proximity, they become a critical support to these students: academically, socially and emotionally. On Friday, I made contact with many of the parents whose children are affected by the changes. Hearing the sighs and sometimes the tears on the other end of the phone is a testament to the impact our educational assistants have had on our students.

Our supporting cast is essential to the success of each school year. I value their dedication, stamina and passion for the work they do… for the love of children.


The Big Rocks

As part of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey instructs us to put first things first: to focus on the big rocks. I have always tried to do this even before I knew the language of the 7 Habits.

Lately though, I’ve been thrown a few reminders about what is important in life. What I have come to realize is that sometimes we have to choose whether or not something qualifies as a big rock. What I might have considered a big rock a few months ago suddenly seems pebble-like. I have also realized that some things don’t belong in the rock collection at all: boulder, pebble or grain of sand.

Life is short and unpredictable. Circumstances can change in a heartbeat. Live your priorities today.

Watch this amusing demonstration of the big rocks!

How lucky we are…

Several members of our family have spent considerable time in the hospital as of late. And though things have been difficult, through all of this, I have been reminded how lucky we are to be living in Canada. Imagine if every procedure, every medication and every hospital stay was to be paid from our own pockets. Our cumulative savings would not come close to covering the growing cost.

I can only imagine the added strain for individuals living in countries where procedures are not available. Or, perhaps just as difficult, where the procedures are available but where families are responsible for footing the bill. During a time of illness, the added financial burden could only stifle the healing process.

So although we face trials and challenges, we are fortunate that our health care system supports the care of our loved ones and that our focus can remain on what is most important: family and healing!


On any given day, students enter my office inspired: bubbling over with excitement, even. They notice a need in our world and by proposing a popcorn sale or a bake sale, by making bracelets or creating art, they take the beginning steps on their journey to make a difference.

Evidently we have many projects on the go in our school. We do not streamline our efforts to one cause driven by adults but rather let students take the lead through projects of their choosing. So though we might not raise $10,000 for one cause, our students raise smaller amounts or reach out in other ways for causes important to them.

When I think about people in history who have made a difference in the world – Abraham Lincoln, Terry Fox, Rosa Parks – they were empowered to vie for change or help others.  They saw how their voice or actions, often despite the odds, could make a difference. When I think about the students in our school, I see a similar sense of empowerment as they use their voices, their energy and their talents to help others. Just imagine the impact these students may have in the upcoming years. They are not hardened by pessimism; they are open to possibilities.

I look forward to the next excited proposal that walks through my door… perhaps as soon as tomorrow. I look forward to being inspired by our students once again.