The next time you see me…

The next time you see me, my hair will not be perfect. But, it will be my own.

Over the last few years, I have been dealing with Alopecia Areata. It started with thinning hair, but eventually the hair loss became significant and I couldn’t hide the bald patches any longer.

My hair loss was emotional: much more than I expected it to be. I faced insecurities, a loss of confidence, and shame. One day a few years ago – quite suddenly actually – I decided it was time for a wig. That too, was emotional: also much more so than I expected.

I shared my reality with some, but for the most part, I have tried to hide the truth. In time, I became more accepting. I adjusted. I started to share my story with a few more people. I have also met others with Alopecia: some children. Talking to others dealing with this condition has helped me to feel more normal and accept my reality.

Fortunately, over the last few months, my own hair has been growing back. What’s more, I have had no hair loss since. Now that the length has evened up, I have decided to lose the wig. I have also decided it’s worth sharing the truth and raising awareness.

I know my hair loss could begin again at any time. I know, too, that many others deal with hair loss much more significant than mine.

This blog is usually about education. Today it is about education of a different sort: September is Alopecia Awareness Month. If you want to learn more, please visit The Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation. Today, I made a donation to this foundation; if you are interested and able, I invite you to donate to a cause close to your heart.

11 thoughts on The next time you see me…

  1. Karen you inspire me in so many ways, but this takes it to new heights. Thank you my friend for your incredible, powerful heart!!

  2. Thanks for sharing. That’s sometimes the hardest part. I too am an adult who has gone through the trials and tribulations of having alopecia (since age of three). It’s something that seems so trivial, but definitely shapes who we are as people and gives me a greater sympathy and understanding for people from all walks of life.

    1. My thoughts echo yours. Although it may seem trivial (and I know things could be much, much worse) it does not feel trivial as you’re living it. I’ve struggled with that over the years. Sharing this story has certainly been the hardest part; and yet, at the same time, it has been freeing.

  3. You are incredibly strong and brave, Karen. Thank you for sharing your story. I too suffered significant hair loss a few years ago and it was devastating and scary for me. Your words remind me that we are never alone in our struggles. Not only does your writing inspire me, your honesty and courage do as well.

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