We recently watched 42: a movie about Jackie Robinson, the first African American player in the modern era of Major League Baseball.
The movie portrays his courage and strength in the face of hatred and discrimination: from other teams, from fans, from his own teammates, even. But I was moved to see how one person’s courage led others to stand up, to step up, and display courage as well.
In fact, it was the courage of the Brooklyn Dodger’s club president and general manager Branch Rickey that put Robinson on the roster to begin with: a move many thought was preposterous in 1945.
The courage of one creates a ripple – two or three others join the cause… a dozen more… hundreds… thousands – a tidal wave leading to eventual change.
A recent example immediately comes to mind: Greta Thunberg, the 16 year-old Swedish activist. Oh, what a difference a year makes as evident from this tweet.

“Stand up for what is right, even if you’re standing alone.” Perhaps you will create a ripple…
I was also impressed and inspired by Canadian Indigenous water activist Autumn Peltier, 15, who addressed hundreds of international guests at UN headquarters on Saturday!
Just watched it now. Amazing! I have the picture book The Water Walker by Joanne Robertson on exactly this issue.