First Day Jitters!

It is the eve of the first day of school. Across the city there are jitters and nerves as reality sets in: summer is officially over and a new school year begins. And if teachers are feeling jitters and nerves, imagine the students!

Our district theme this year is A Journey of Love. The more I think about it, the more appropriate I think it is. If our students know we love them – that we truly care – all else will follow. Tomorrow, as students meet teachers and teachers meet students, together they begin a ten month journey. The next few days set the stage for a positive, productive relationship. The journey of a school year may not always be easy, and there will certainly be struggles along the way, but together, obstacles are overcome and goals are reached.

Whether you are a first year teacher, a veteran, or anywhere in between, there is likely a jitter or two as our heads fall to our pillows tonight. Just think how dashing you’ll look in your new school outfit… come on, you know we all have one…

Wishing all of you a school year filled with triumph, joy and most of all, love.

3 thoughts on First Day Jitters!

  1. I brought my oldest to her orientation for 100 Voices on Tuesday. I had the jitters. That was my first time wearing the “parent” hat on the first day of school. I now have a new perspective for the next time that I play the “teacher” role on the first day of school.

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