
We Are Called

This week I was asked what I like about my job. The answer is easy: students. No matter what else is going on in life, our students add joy, humour and significance to each day.

Most of our students go home to stable, supportive families. Some though have experienced an inordinate amount of sadness, suffering or strife in their young lives.

And though our days typically have a plan in place, sometimes, a conversation or some tears steer us in an unanticipated direction. These are the moments when we are called to be more than educators. These are the moments when we are called to serve a higher purpose: to be strength and hope for those who may have lost their own.

These moments are not on our to-do list, but they prove to be the most important tasks within the day.

Dear Teacher,

I’m convinced the job of ‘teacher’ is one of the most difficult. To be effective we have to know our curriculum inside and out. We have to understand the development of children and the various theories of learning. Most importantly, we have to connect with 20 or 25 individuals, sometimes up to 30.

Each of our students bring with them different learning styles, past experiences, diverse levels of ability and varying levels of confidence. Each of our students deserves our best but it certainly isn’t easy to balance the needs of all.

This video, Dear Teacher, is a good reminder of what our students need (told from a kid perspective)! Enjoy.

Leadership For All

Last week I heard a group of assistant principals referred to as ‘future leaders’. I fundamentally disagree with this statement. Not only to I find it somewhat offensive, I think it is the wrong mindset with which to approach life.

What about the grade six student who turned to another student and said, “Ryan, we haven’t heard from you. What do you think?” Is she not a leader?

And what about the kindergarten boy who saw another student still looking for a spot to sit and said, “There’s one more chair over here. Come here.”

What about the teacher who sees a new student reluctant to fit in and works her magic to ensure this student is included?

At our school we believe in Leadership For All. This is not a statement for advertising purposes, this is not a pipe dream, it is what we strive for every day. Leadership is not a title or a position, it is an attitude. We are not raising future leaders: we are raising leaders for today.

A teary hug

This week I was reminded of why we do what we do. Though I wasn’t especially looking forward to some of the tasks that go along with ‘back to work’ (packing lunches, early mornings and paperwork), I was certainly looking forward to seeing the students. And they didn’t disappoint.

One moment this week was especially heartwarming. A student who had been assessed by an SLP and visibly exhausted, came to me just before recess. When I bent down to chat with him, he had tears in his eyes. He leaned in for an extended hug and rested his head on my shoulder. In that moment, he was too tired and overwhelmed for words but his body language said it all.

Why do we do what we do? “Children are our most valuable resource.” That’s why.

So many cliches!

A new year: new beginnings, a fresh start, a clean slate, a blank page, a new chapter… so many cliches! And yet, I love this time of year.

There’s something about the dawn of a new year that feels like an opportunity. The opportunity to forget bad habits and begin better ones. The opportunity to reevaluate and set goals. The opportunity to forgive and begin to reconcile. The opportunity to show gratitude for our blessings and find ways to give back. The opportunity to try something new.

So… accept the cliches and consider this: the possibilities this year are endless!


So Thankful

As I put up the Christmas tree, decorated the house and wrapped a few gifts, I couldn’t help but be thankful for the life I live.

On the news today, they showed pictures of Syria before and after. Before: the gorgeous architecture, rich history and hospitable people. After: violence and bloodshed, destruction and death.

Canada’s decision to accept Syrian refugees is not without controversy. Yet I remember the images of thousands of refugees leaving their homes and their country, seeking safety. I remember the images of homes destroyed, streets in rubble. I remember the image of three-year-old Aylan Kurdi, his lifeless body washed ashore.

I simply cannot imagine the experiences or emotions the Syrians are facing. The Syrian people are not the perpetrators of war, they are the victims of circumstance. I will do my part to welcome them, however small. As I look at my Christmas tree and the presents beneath, I know it’s the least I can do.

Visit Welcoming Syrian Refugees if you want to join my efforts.

Be ready to smile!

When I was grocery shopping this morning, a little girl – three years old maybe – said to me, “That’s not your cart lady.” It was my cart actually. But that’s okay. She was three.

Working with kids is never dull! Each and every day, they say or do something that adds a spark. From the grade six student who says to me, “thank you for coming” after I finished disciplining him… to the grade one student who insists on ‘tricking’ me every day by hiding something or himself… to the grade three student who hugs me every time she sees me even when the interactions are within moments of each other!

During the most frustrating or difficult day, students provide many reasons to smile!

Share a book today!

This week when I brought a grade one student into my office to assess her reading she said, “Do you read all day?” I wish I could! My favourite parts of my days are those spent reading and writing to and with students. I love taking non-readers, kids who don’t yet know their letter names and sounds, and convincing them that they are readers. They begin to love books and this magical thing called ‘reading’. And then, in a few months time, when those same students finally see meaning in the letters and words on the page, the look in their eyes is priceless.

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to share my language arts program with my staff. I also spoke to an individual at the district level about how I used the LLI program. I can’t seem to hide my love of words! People often comment on the number of books on my shelves. I get excited when a teacher says, “Do you have any books to help teach…?”

Of course!

I have a hard time going into a book store without making a purchase. I see a picture book and I’m immediately flooded with thoughts of how I could use the book with students. Did you know that it is picture book month? Take some time this week to read a picture book to someone in your life. You won’t regret it!

“How are you?”

“How are you?” I’ve noticed this greeting a lot lately from store clerks or casual acquaintances. We say this to be polite but I doubt that most of us really want an honest answer from a stranger. It wouldn’t be appropriate to get into our health problems, family dynamics or financial stresses, for instance.

But truly, most days, I really am ‘good’. I have the right to vote and write a blog. I don’t have to worry about suicide bombers or tsunamis. I am surrounded by family and friends. If I need to visit my doctor, I make an appointment. I have a warm bed to sleep in and plenty of food to eat. Each day when I greet the buses at work, I get countless hugs.

Really, I am good, no matter who asks.

We are who we are.

I’ve been thinking a lot this week about discrimination. We watched the movie Selma and so the idea of racism was foremost on my mind. I also attended a meeting to provide feedback on a policy protecting the LGBTQ community.

I have never understood discrimination. Few things make me as angry as to see someone persecuted for who they are. I simply don’t get it. What makes someone’s skin colour, gender identity or sexual orientation better or worse than my own? We are who we are. We cannot choose our race anymore than we can choose our parents or the location of our birth.

It takes courage to stand up for those who are persecuted. I marvel at the bravery of Martin Luther King Jr and all those who persevered (non-violently) for change during the civil rights movement.

I am also comforted by the notion that the younger generation seems less phased by differences. Our classrooms are a wonderful mosaic of culture, race, sexual orientation and gender identities. We can learn a little from our students… they are certainly more accepting than many adults.

Let’s take heed of Piglet’s words, “The things that make me different are the things that make me.”