
Jitters and Joy

As I walked around our school last week, I saw sure signs of a new school year: shiny floors, new supplies, teachers hard at work preparing their classrooms.

I think back to my days as a student and how excited (and nervous) I was to begin the new year: to meet my teacher and settle into a new classroom. All of the students I have seen so far echoed these same sentiments.

There will be both jitters and joy in the days ahead. May the moments of joy outnumber the jitters!

On Home Turf

Each year we venture off on vacation: sometimes fairly close to home, sometimes farther. No matter where we go, I always feel a sense of gratitude to be back at home. In our physical home, yes. But back in Canada, too.

This year we traveled to Europe. I’ve been asked my favourite destination or experience and it is difficult to narrow it down: there were so many highlights. And despite the fact that each day was an adventure, it was still wonderful to be back on home turf. Our return flight stopped in St. John’s. How strange that I felt like I was home despite being thousands of kilometres from our house.

With all of the world events taking place, I feel especially grateful to call Canada home. We are not immune from turmoil or violence, but we continue to have a sense of security that many other nations have lost or are losing.

It’s awfully nice to be home.


Mixed emotions

I’m going to be honest: today I am feeling somewhat sad and at a loss for words.

As the school year comes to a close, I am reminded that some of our students feel sadness and apprehension at this time of year. As excited as many students and staff are to have a holiday at hand, there are those who do not look forward to more time at home.

Let us be mindful of these students in the next week and a half and give them what we can while they are still in our classrooms. They deserve our best.

The juxtaposition of life and death

We have a new baby in our family: he’s now two and a half weeks old. I held him in my arms and marvelled at the miracle of his life. Within an hour, I held the hands of my 94 year old grandmother in palliative care: she is within hours or days of the end of her life.

As I looked down at Carter, I imagined what his life will bring… I wondered what his little personality will be like… I anticipated the joy he will bring to our family.

As I held my grandmother, I felt gratitude for her immense impact on our lives… I felt fortunate for the privilege of knowing such a strong, positive, funny woman… I felt immense sadness knowing she will no longer be a physical presence in our lives.

Both a blessing, both helpless, on either ends of their lives.


Entering the world of words

Last week, a student in our school asked, “Will I ever be able to read?” Heartbreaking, right?

He doesn’t yet know all of the letters of the alphabet let alone how to string them together to form words. And because he’s a bit older, he knows he should know how to read. He knows that all of his peers can read. He knows he’s missing out on something.

The answer to his question? Yes, he’ll learn to read. It will take some time and a lot of hard work on the part of those who work with him every day, but he’ll learn to read. The basics at least. It is our privilege as educators to unlock the door for him, however long it takes.


Some people try to be the expert in everything. Others claim to be. Truth is, none of us are good at everything. It’s just not possible. An important task of educators is to teach our students to be realistic about their talents and skills: to help uncover their strengths and passions and inspire them to reach their full potential.

Stephen Covey once said, “Leadership is communicating to another person their worth and potential so clearly they are inspired to see it in themselves.” Curriculum, yes of course. Inspiration, essential.

Human 2.0

The idea of aging confronted me a few times over the last few days. I started reading a book about a grandfather who discovers how to reverse the aging process and his body returns to that of a teenager. A friend and I also had a conversation about extended life expectancies. Simply by virtue of living longer, our bodies are forced to fight more ailments and disease.

My friend and I decided that humans need a new and improved version: Human 2.0. We don’t want to reverse the aging process (I personally would not want to be a teenager again), we simply want to live our longer lives, healthier.

Of course it’s not only in old age that we face illness. This really hit home on Thursday morning when I received a cupcake and a precious note. It was to celebrate a milestone for Riley, a grade one student: one year cancer free! At his young age, he has endured years of sickness and treatment. I pray he will live a long, healthy, happy life: I pray that his health battles are behind him.

I’ve never been bothered by the idea of getting older. And illness it seems is almost a given at some point in our lives. Perhaps the secret is this: face whatever comes with a positive attitude. Just like Riley.



I found myself humbled twice today. First, by my grandmother’s idol: the Irish singer Daniel O’Donnell. A few days ago, I sent an email asking if he could perhaps contact her. She just turned 94 and recently entered palliative care. Within hours of receiving my request and her contact information, he telephoned her. Despite his busy schedule and likely many, many requests, he took the time to make a 94 year-old’s day. In fact, she was so elated I think he added a decade to her life!

I was humbled again today when I met a family who lost their home to the Fort Mac fire two weeks ago. The two young children played happily despite the trauma of the last few weeks, protected by those who love them. The husband and father, a firefighter, was reunited with his family a few short hours before I arrived. He has been fighting the fire the last two weeks despite being separated from his family and losing his own home to the blaze. The children’s t-shirts say it best: “I’m proud of my dad.”

“For a true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength but by the strength of his heart.” Hercules


Synergy at its best!

What’s the latest definition of synergy? 350 students in a gym, screaming excitedly as their teachers perform a variety of challenges: a dress-up relay, a basketball free-throw (complete with silly string and confetti distractors), and a couple of whipped cream pies in the face.

Why, you ask? To raise money. Students worked together to raise over $1700. Teachers therefore had to perform these challenges. Win-win I’d say.

To all those who have pulled together to put out fires, welcome and house volunteers, donate items, provide comfort and relief, you inspire us. Thank you for your compassion and synergy.

The Flowers of Tomorrow

Last fall I transplanted some perennials. I was curious how they’d do this spring. Sure enough, they’ve survived the winter months. They’ve poked through and found sunlight. I also planted a container garden today: some seeds, some seedlings. There’s something satisfying about gardening: the anticipation of what’s to come, the observable growth, and the plants’  dependence on our care.

The parallel to teaching doesn’t escape me. This profession is satisfying for the same reasons: the anticipation of what our students will become, the incredible progress they make, and their dependence on us as teachers and guides. I feel blessed to be a small part of their journey.

Audrey Hepburn once said, “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” After all, the flowers of tomorrow are the seeds of today.