
Please, speak up.

After listening to the news last week, I found myself infuriated. Again. It happens more and more these days. But neither the sting or shock of last week’s news have subsided.

I believe in the positive power of words but I also recognize the ugly side, too. Words can be used to hurt and humiliate. Words can be thrown about carelessly. They can be used maliciously and deliberately to insult, intimidate and divide.

Call me crazy, but when leaders use words, I want their words to uplift and unite, to provide hope and comfort in uncertain times, to inspire us to reach our potential, individually and as a collective. One of the reasons I admire leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Barack Obama is that they were deliberate in the words they chose to say, recognizing their power.

Lately, it feels like years of effort to educate, unite and build bridges, have collapsed in mere seconds when words of ignorance and bigotry are spoken on a world stage. These words have the potential to cause others with similar beliefs to become emboldened. That thought terrifies me. Therefore, I can’t keep quiet. I feel like now, more than ever, we need to speak up. To use our voices for good. Barack Obama says this, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

Monday, January 15th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I leave the last words to him: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”


Since the new year began, I’ve been trying to decide on my word for the year. It’s not that I’ve been procrastinating, it’s just that the right word hadn’t found me yet. I’ve heard other people’s words and I’ve contemplated a few of my own (balance, aspire, write, breathe) but none have felt exactly right.

And then I thought about the word live. The verb. Too simple? Sort of inevitable? I don’t think so.

What I mean is this: I want to live deliberately, live in the moment, live my best me, live my dreams, even. Every so often we are thrown a reminder that life is short. Therefore, to live, is something I want to make the most of, each and every day.

Yup, that’s it. Live.


A Christmas Prayer

Loving Father, during this Christmas season,

Teach us to be an example of peace in the world, beginning in our own homes.

Open our hearts so we may extend kindness to those grieving, in pain, or alone.

Remind us to show gratitude for all we have.

Give us the strength to share the hope and faith of the season with all we encounter.

Loving Father, thank you for the gift of your Son. Let His light ignite compassion, grace and peace in each of us.



Ignore the eye rolls!

Last week I read How the Grinch Stole Christmas! by Dr. Seuss to a grade 6 class and two grade 5/6 classes. I had only met the students a couple of times before. I had a purpose in reading it, although pure enjoyment would be purpose enough.

I love watching the reaction of older kids when I pull out a picture book. In my own classes, reading picture books is the norm – no matter the grade. With other classes though, the range of reactions are interesting to watch. There are those who get truly excited. There are those who are seemingly indifferent. There are those who shift nervously in their spots. And, there are those who think they’re too old for a picture book and try to mask a little eye roll.

As I begin reading, I continue to watch their reactions. A few pages in, I know I have ’em: even those whose tendencies were the eye roll. Kids love hearing a good story. They may not necessarily admit it, but their change in demeanour is evidence enough for me: their eye contact with both me and the book, their stillness, their smiles.

“And what happened then …?

Well … in Who-ville they say

That the Grinch’s small heart

Grew three sizes that day!”

The trouble with words!

A few weeks ago while teaching grade one, I said to the class, “You can ask your neighbour for help if you need.” A little one exclaimed, “What? Our neighbours? We’re not at home!” They giggled at my use of this word.

Last week in a grade five class, we were discussing the complexity of the English language: all of those rules that aren’t always followed! We teach our students to add an ‘s’ to make something plural. But what about these? Mousesfootsgoosestoothsmans? And why aren’t too, blue, grew and through spelled using the same pattern? What about said and red? Limb and him?

Kids encounter new words, words in new contexts, rules, and words that break the rules, each and every day. It’s no wonder they make errors. How could they knot?

Crank up the music.

I’m a little behind on This Is Us. Just now nearing the end of season one. Watched the ‘Memphis’ episode last night. I’ve been thinking about William’s words to Randall: “Roll all the windows down. Crank up the music.”

At this busy time of year when teachers are tired from report cards, and the hecticness of the holidays awaits us, his words hit home. Yes, responsibility calls. There are things we must do whether we want to or not. But I am trying to remember not to live “a life of almosts and could haves.”

Amidst my responsibilities and must-do’s, I’m going to take the time to roll down those windows and crank up the music. Today and every day.

Excuse my rant …

I am surprised and appalled when I see people throwing away what they deem to be ‘old’ books. I don’t mean falling apart old. I simply mean ‘old.’ Books like Moby Dick (published in 1851); Island of the Blue Dolphins (1960); Charlotte’s Web (1952).

Now really. Does it matter what year Island of the Blue Dolphins was written since it takes place in the mid 1800s? And isn’t the theme of a quest for knowledge, as in Moby Dick, still applicable today?

What about dear ol’ Shakespeare? Charles Dickens? Jane Austen? Oscar Wilde? Virginia Woolf? James Joyce? Walt Whitman? William Faulkner? George Orwell? Mark Twain? (Just to name a few!) Should we just stop reading their work because of the date of publication?

The thought appalls me. Good writing is good writing. No matter its age.

(There … I feel better.)


The Sports Celly

Come on now. I love watching sports. And yet as I watch the cellies (yes, it’s in the urban dictionary) after a goal or touchdown, sometimes I wonder.

Players have their individual reactions. Some spontaneous; others seemingly rehearsed. Some momentary; others prolonged. Some humble and subdued; others exuberant and elaborate.

I understand the urge to celebrate. But, really.

I smile as I imagine this phenomenon in a school setting: the principal breaking out in a dance after a discipline-free day… teachers leapfrogging each other in the hallway after each report card they write… students coordinating their dance moves after a correct answer is given… the secretary backflipping in the office when her books balance.

Somehow seems a little absurd. But, try it… who knows the reaction you’ll get!


In talking to friends recently, I was reminded that each of us encounter challenges in life: some frustrating, some traumatic, some devastatingly sad, and some testing all of our patience. Regardless of what it is we are forced to face, it sometimes takes courage just to put one foot in front of the other.

I am inspired by the courage of those around me. Those who find the positive even in the most difficult situations. Those whose challenges go on day after day after day. Those who have recognized a problem in their lives and made deliberate decisions to make a better life for themselves. Those who show such care and concern for others despite their own circumstances. And perhaps most of all, those kids who have faced more in their young lives than anyone should ever have to face: neglect, abuse, trauma.

Courage is often associated with firefighters, police officers and others in high-risk situations. There is no denying that these individuals display remarkable courage. But, courage is all around us. In the words of Mary Anne Radmacher, “Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.'”

A Perfect Prompt

Today, as the snow falls onto the neighbourhood jack-o-lanterns, I see a perfect picture prompt. Halloween is a motivating day to write (with or without the snow)!

Kindergarten students can draw and label their costumes. Older students can engage in some descriptive writing or a story. For a freewrite prompt today, try one of these: “On Halloween…” or “Today I see…” (especially if students are already in costume).

Put on some spooky music and write!