
Yet Another Reminder of the Power of Story

Have you ever read a book and the characters just won’t leave you, even when the pages of the book are closed? I’ve been fortunate to read a few books like that this summer: American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins is one.

Reading this book has changed my thinking. I have a new appreciation and understanding for those who have lived the migrant journey. I was taken outside of my own privileged, protected background. I walked with the characters as they experienced unimaginable fear and incomprehensible grief. I began to understand the enormity of the challenges others face daily, some repetitively. I began to consider the journey of my own ancestors, too.

Imagine a child who is never exposed to the stories of others. A child who does not have the opportunity to walk alongside a character in a book. Will that child develop the same compassion for others as the children who are exposed to a myriad of stories and experiences? Will that child be able to think about a situation from the perspective of another, to empathize with situations other than their own? To some extent, probably; to the same extent, I reckon not.

The reminder is this: parents, bring story into your children’s lives, and teachers, into your students’ lives. Diverse stories. Stories of struggle, stories of hope. Stories of those like us, stories of those unlike us. Immerse them in the lives of fictional characters and see what transpires.

And now for me… back to American Dirt. I’m nearing the end…

Building Relationships

In preparing for an upcoming session, I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of connecting with students this fall. It’s always important, yes, but this year it is more important than ever.

What did we lose during emergency online learning in the spring? Connections. Face to face connections. Those classes that were most successful in the online environment were the ones that were best able to maintain connections. But, as you well know, it was challenging, and certainly not the same as the in-person discussions, high fives, and hugs we normally enjoy.

During these challenging times, we must be even more intentional in connecting with our students while they sit before us: building trust, creating positive energy, establishing an environment of safety and security as best we can, helping students regulate their emotions, nurturing both the individuals and our class community, developing rigor.

Even now, a few weeks before the start of the school, we are not certain what the year will look like. In fact, we can count on much uncertainty as the year unfolds. Strong connections will carry us through the year, regardless of what it brings.

Permission for Imperfection

With each passing August day, I’m thinking more and more about school reentry and all of the realities it will bring. Something new occurs to me each day and my thought usually begins with “Hmmm… how are we going to…?”

Back to school will be especially challenging this year. In addition to everything we normally face, there are safety guidelines to consider: from both our government and our school districts. There are logistics to work through knowing the physical space and context of our classrooms. There will also be heightened emotions: teachers and students are certainly going to experience a wider range of back-to-school emotions than usual.

Our collective survival is dependent on our willingness to reach out to each other for support, sharing both our challenges and successes. The reality is, we won’t be able to approach things as we usually do: the sooner we accept that, the better.

As we begin the year, we must give ourselves permission for imperfection. We are tackling new territory. We may try something only to discover it doesn’t quite work the way we anticipate. Rest assured, we can try again.

Although it will be challenging, what I know is this: teachers are determined, creative, and resilient.

Our students need us more than ever and we will be ready. However imperfectly.

Looking back, moving forward.

I’ve been thinking a lot about those who have influenced me both as a person and as an educator: in particular, my dad, my mom, my uncle, my grandmother, a teacher I had many years ago, and a former admin partner of mine.

They don’t know it, but they are often with me in my decision-making. Their words, their examples, and their integrity, guide me to this day.

They stand with me as I strive to educate with passion, compassion, and empathy. They stand with me as I listen to and learn from those I work with, adults and children. They stand with me as I advocate for teachers and their needs.

Looking back on this year, I know I have done my best with the circumstances before me. Might I do things differently next year? Yes. Not because I didn’t try my best, but because I’ve learned a thing or two.

One day, not so far from now, we will return to the classroom. We will bring our students to the reading corner for a read aloud. We will play a rousing game of dodgeball. We will sing and paint and laugh together. It will happen. We’ll hope for September but understand if it takes a little longer.

Before it happens though, we need a break from screens. We need to breathe the air around us, to rediscover what it’s like to be bored, to savour the long, unscheduled days ahead, to read a book unrelated to work. We need time.

I’m taking some time away from my blog this summer, too. When we return ‘together’ in the fall, we will be refreshed. In the meantime, be sure to soak up the summer sun…

We have survived!

For those of us in elementary schools, this coming week is usually one of celebrations, field trips, fun days, and farewells. This year, this last week of school will be unique. An understatement, I know. We are forced to find creative ways to reach out to our students. To celebrate their successes. To wrap up. To end the school year. To say our goodbyes.

Whatever you decide to do, and however you decide to do it, be sure to commemorate this rollercoaster of a year with your class!

Our students have survived. (Their parents have survived.) We have survived!

What are your plans with your students this week? How will you help them remember this year?

Are you tired?

It’s June. Mid-June. Mid-June during a pandemic.

Are you tired? I know I am.

The 2019-2020 school year has been one for the books! We have pivoted: worked differently than we ever have before. We have tried incredibly hard to maintain connections with our students in spite of the circumstance. In some ways we have learned as much as we’ve taught.

We have reason to be tired.

Perhaps more than ever, everyone is in need of a break… some down time… some time away from our screens.

We’re close, my friends. Very close. Hang on for a few more weeks!

Dear Students,

I’ve been doing some reflecting during this global pandemic and I have some sentiments to share with you…

Did you know that you are the reason I love my job? Your spontaneous exclamations, your joy in the simple things, your laughter, your hugs, your excitement for learning. No matter my mood coming into school, you are sure to spark a smile.

Did you know that I consider you and your classmates my school family? I care about your well-being, your emotional and physical health, your relationships. I think about you beyond the time I spend with you in the classroom.

Did you know that my favourite parts of our school day are when we are reading together, talking about books and life? Those times when I see your worlds expand, your ideas challenged, your hearts moved.

Did you know that I miss you? It’s true. I have learned not to take our time together for granted. The time on the screen does not make up for our time together in person.

And finally, did you know that you are the reason I have hope for humanity? Your kindness, your generosity, your compassion. Your acceptance and genuine concern for others. You will make our world a better place.

Actually, you already do.

With love, your teacher.

Disturbing and Disheartening

I had a blog post idea ready for today. It can wait until next week. The events of the last few days have been both disturbing and disheartening. Today my own words fail me: they feel inadequate. Today I have turned to the words of others to comfort me, to rediscover hope, to remind me how I can help drive change.

“No color, no religion, no nationality should come between us. We are all children of God.” Mother Teresa

“We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us.” Barack Obama

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jr.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

“Change is never easy, but always possible.” Barack Obama

Teachers, I challenge you: stand with me and be an example. Our students are watching.

We Are Learning

When we think about the learning that goes on in a classroom, it is typically the learning of students that comes to mind. And in our current situation, they are learning: maybe not quite what we expected, or in the same way as usual, but they are learning.

What has become especially evident during these times: we are learning, too. Perhaps even more than our students!

We are learning to use technology in innovative ways. We are learning how important it is to have connections with our students. We are learning to be resilient and flexible. We are learning that teaching is about much more than academics. We are learning to appreciate what we have previously taken for granted including simple, daily interactions with our students and colleagues. We are learning that returning to the classroom with our students will feel a great luxury.

The learning curve has been steep, unexpected, and tiring. But for the collective good, it is worth our efforts. I am looking forward to carrying my learning back into the regular classroom… whenever that might be!

What are you learning these days?

A Note of Thanks

Today is a day to pay tribute to moms! This year I venture to say that most moms have been working harder than ever.

Thank you to those on the front lines taking care of many more than their own. To those working from home and simultaneously assisting their children with schooling. To those in essential services, risking their lives and sacrificing time with their own families. To those who have lost their jobs and yet continue to find ways to meet the needs of their children. To those who provide much needed comfort, unconditional love, and unending patience. To those whose strength sometimes flickers on the inside but shines bright for others.

To moms.

And teachers, to you on this Mother’s Day, for the mothering that occurs in your classrooms (…or online…) each and every day. Thank you.