As the year begins…

Some of you are already back at it with students. The rest of you are likely counting down the days before you begin–and having those telltale school dreams. Whatever the case, enjoy the excitement and opportunities this time of year provides: the newness of it all.

You’re likely feeling a little more refreshed, a little more balanced than a few months ago. But it doesn’t take long to fall into the hecticness of school-life. When planning your school year, be intentional about planning for some regular self-care to maintain balance as best you can. Build ‘something’ for you into your week and find an accountability buddy.

Choose something that revitalizes you: time to work out, twenty minutes of daily reading or a walk, writing in a journal, a coffee date by yourself or with a friend, hot yoga… anything, but something!

As Eleanor Brown reminds us, “Self-care isn’t selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” Teaching is a tough gig. Knowing the importance of your role, remember, taking care of you will ultimately benefit your students, too.

Wishing you a wonderful year!

2 thoughts on As the year begins…

  1. This is such a great reminder that our health and well-being need to be a priority. Taking small bits of time for yourself can make a big impact in many aspects of life. I already made a goal for this year. Thanks!

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