Month End

Can you believe we’ve reached the end of September? Are you tired already? If so, you are certainly not alone. I have worked with hundreds of teachers this month and everyone agrees: September is an incredibly busy month setting routines, getting to know students, diving into curriculum, and sometimes learning new curriculum.

Take the next few minutes to reflect on the beginning of the school year.

If in writing, begin with the prompt “This month…” and see where it takes you. Or, simply reflect on these questions:

  • What did you do this month that you are especially proud of?
  • What will be your biggest challenge this year? What small steps can you take to mitigate or ease this challenge?
  • Have you been functioning in survival mode or have you taken time to enjoy the days as well?
  • How do you think your students would describe their start to the year?

Etty Hillesum once said, “Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.” As you forge ahead with the school year, every so often, bring her words to mind: “the rest we take between two deep breaths.” You’ve got this.

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