“You Matter”

I am a writer, yes. I am also a note writer. As a teacher in the classroom, I wrote notes to my students. As an assistant principal, I wrote notes to my teachers. I would keep track of who I had written to, ensuring I made my way through the entire class or staff.

I tried to make the notes as timely and authentic as possible. I didn’t start at the top of my class (or staff) list and work my way down. I would consider the context of the day, make observations, and comment on those.

If I noticed a student being especially kind to another student, he might find a note in his desk the next day beginning with, “You have an amazing way of….”

If I noticed a teacher’s new bulletin board display showcasing her students’ diverse work, she might find a note beginning with, “I was impressed to see….”

Everyone makes contributions and adds value to the world around them. Our words can help others see their own strengths and understand how they are appreciated. The underlying message: “You matter.”

In addition to the starters above, some of my other favourites to show how much we value someone:

  • It made my day when…
  • I appreciate the way you…
  • I admire your…
  • I am so thankful that…
  • Thank you for…
  • I highly value…
  • You are a blessing…

“Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.” Jackie Chan

5 thoughts on “You Matter”

  1. ECSD is going to miss you, Karen. You have also been such a blessing to me personally and professionally.❤

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