Dear Students,

I’ve been doing some reflecting during this global pandemic and I have some sentiments to share with you…

Did you know that you are the reason I love my job? Your spontaneous exclamations, your joy in the simple things, your laughter, your hugs, your excitement for learning. No matter my mood coming into school, you are sure to spark a smile.

Did you know that I consider you and your classmates my school family? I care about your well-being, your emotional and physical health, your relationships. I think about you beyond the time I spend with you in the classroom.

Did you know that my favourite parts of our school day are when we are reading together, talking about books and life? Those times when I see your worlds expand, your ideas challenged, your hearts moved.

Did you know that I miss you? It’s true. I have learned not to take our time together for granted. The time on the screen does not make up for our time together in person.

And finally, did you know that you are the reason I have hope for humanity? Your kindness, your generosity, your compassion. Your acceptance and genuine concern for others. You will make our world a better place.

Actually, you already do.

With love, your teacher.

4 thoughts on Dear Students,

  1. A beautiful, heartfelt letter to students everywhere–they need to hear your words.
    I’m sure they miss you–and the many teachers out there–too!

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